Standards of Business Conduct
24SevenOffice is not only known for the services we offer but also for our active role to take responsibility for our environment and society. We expect our suppliers and business partners to do the same. These values outline the standards 24SevenOffice follows as well as we expect our suppliers and business partners (hereafter Business Partners) to follow:
- Obey to all national laws in the country of operations
- Fulfill all requirements listed below, and expect us to do the same
- Where differences exist between laws and regulations, and our standards of business conduct, our Partner must follow the strictest alternative
Applies to all 24SevenOffice Companies, Suppliers and Business Partners
These standards apply to all Business Partners of 24SevenOffice Group companies (i.e. all companies where 24SevenOffice has the majority of ownership or control). We expect all our Business Partners to use the same standards when doing business with their suppliers and business partners. It is the responsibility of each Business Partner to make sure their suppliers and business partners act according to these standards. We expect our Business Partners to make sure all their suppliers and business partners are informed of this and expect they have documentation thereof, which we can ask for upon request. These standards are not in any way meant to limit the Business Partners responsibility when conducting business with 24SevenOffice.
Business Partner of 24SevenOffice
We seek to do business with Business Partners which share our interest in responsible business behavior. We expect our Business Partners to meet the following standards:
1. Human Rights
1.1 Our Business Partners must treat all their workers fairly. Discrimination, unfair treatment, harassment, is not tolerated at all, neither because of ethnic origination, political, sexual orientation, nationality, religion or any other reasons.
1.2 If the Business Partner identify that it have caused or contributed to adverse human rights impacts, it takes the neccesary steps to remedy the impact or reduse the risk.
1.3 Our Business Parter has established, or taken part in a complaint mechanism where affected parties can get help to correct adverse impacts.
1.4 The commitment to human rights is publicly available and communicated both internally, and externally.
2. Labor Standards
2.1 We expect our Business Partners to provide wages, benefits and conditions of work in line with industry standards, that as a minimum satisfy the basic needs of the workers and their families.
2.2 We expect our Business Partners to have labor policies which are communicated clearly to all employees. And in accordance with national laws as a minimum.
2.3 Child labor is not tolerated. People under 18 years must not be given risky tasks that could endanger them. The minimum age for employment or work shall be 16 years of age, the minimum age for employment in that country, or the age for completing compulsory education in that country, whichever is higher.
2.4 Our Business Partners are expected to strictly comply with all laws and regulations that apply to them.
2.5 Forced labor must not be used.
2.6 Our Business Partners must allow their workers to make their decision of whether to establish, join or not join trade unions or other associations. If national laws prohibit associations, workers must be allowed to elect representatives which can speak on their behalf.
2.7 Our Business Partners must participate constructively in collective bargaining with employee representatives with a view to reach agreement on terms and conditions of employment. It is important taht the
2.8 Our Business Partners must provide workers’ representatives the facilities necessary in the development of effective collective agreements.
2.9 5. Our Business Partners must give due notice of plans that can be of major importance to employees so that negative consequences can be mitigated as far as possible.
3. 24SevenOffice takes the environment very seriously
3.1 Partners shall comply with all applicable health, safety and environmental laws and regulations when conducting business and reduce use of energy, water, and other resources where possible.
4. Integrity and Compliance
4.1 Business Partners shall comply with the laws and regulations of all applicable jurisdictions, including all applicable anti-corruption laws. This requires a commitment to fight bribery, corruption and facilitation fees.
4.2 Never provide or accept gifts, favors, or entertainment that may create undue influence, or even the appearance of undue influence.
4.3 Business Partners shall respect intellectual property rights and safeguard proprietary information. Transfer of technology and know-how shall be done in a manner that protects intellectual property rights.
4.4 Our Business Partners shall have codes of conduct and reporting systems to prevent its entities from being used for money laundering and terrorism financing.
4.5 Business Partners must not violate any applicable laws regarding unfair competition or antitrust.
5. Operational stability
5.1 Business Partners must be prepared for any external events that may potentially disrupt or damage ongoing business. Emergency plans and training programs for managers and workers must be implemented to protect them according to applicable laws and regulations
6. Compliance
6.1 We expect our Business Partners to produce and maintain honest and accurate accounting and business records. That includes reasonable documentation to demonstrate compliance with this Standards of Business Conduct. Please note that failure to comply with this Standards of Business Conduct may result in termination as a 24SevenOffice Business Partner. For more information or questions, please visit or write to compliance at
Last review
Updated text about anti-bribery under integrity and compliance
Updated language, order of paragraphs and contact information.
Updated the 24SevenOffice commitment to this standard of business conduct.
Last review:
24SevenOffice Standard of Business Conduct page was published